Art for Life views your privacy as a matter of great importance.  

We only record personal details that are necessary for communicating effectively with our students (past and present) and those who have expressed an interest in attending our courses and workshops.

The details we record include: date of enquiry, full name, telephone number, email address, postal address, brief details of any communication that has occurred and, if they become a student, which course(s) they have attended and how much they have paid or owe for the current course.

We store this data as a Google Drive spreadsheet (which complies with the latest ISO security and privacy standards and SSAE16/ISAE 3402), or in Mailchimp (who certify annually with the Privacy Shield Frameworks and protect EEA, UK, and Swiss data in compliance with the Privacy Shield Principles) or as an Excel file which is saved to Dropbox (one of the first cloud service providers to achieve ISO 27018 — the internationally recognised standard for leading practices in cloud privacy and data protection).  

All computers used by our staff are password protected.  Any paper copies of data (such as booking forms) are shredded at the end of each term.

We use this data for the purpose of communicating news and information about our classes to current students, past-students and enquirers, such as sending course details to students and inviting interested parties to our exhibitions.  Your data will not be shared with or sold to any other organisation. 

Processing data  We are required to have a lawful basis for processing (storing and using) an individual’s data.  Existing and past students’ data is processed under the category of ‘legitimate interest’ (ie having their information is deemed necessary in order to run our business).  The details of recent and past enquirers who have requested to be kept informed about future courses are also held under the ‘legitimate interest’ category.  All enquirers are sent a copy of this Privacy Notice if they request an information pack, and all new students are asked to ‘opt in’ via the Booking Form to confirm they have received and agree to this policy.  Enquiries older than 2 years are removed from our database unless they have specifically requested to keep in touch.

Photographs  From time-to-time we post photographs of students and/or their artwork on our social media accounts for promotional and community building reasons.  If you object to this please let us know and we will not use any photographs that include you and/or your artwork.

Each individual has the right to request to access, rectify, restrict, object to or erase their personal data at any time.  To implement this, please contact us using one of the methods below and the request will be carried out as soon as is practically possible.  Individuals also have the right to complain to the ICO if they do not feel we are handling their data safely or legally.

Suki Panesar, Branch Owner, Art for Life Sutton Coldfield


563 Queslett Road, Great Barr, Birmingham B43 7ER

Tel: 0121 406 1885